A Fast Prototyping Tool for UI/UX Design
Turn ideas into interactive prototypes and iterate quickly. Use XD as a prototyping tool to validate usability and user flows, add motion and animation to your high-fidelity designs, and create realistic previews of your experiences — all without writing a single line of code.
Turn static designs and wireframes into interactive prototypes.
XD prototyping tools let you turn wireframes, mockups, and UI designs into interactive user experiences in real time so you can simulate user flows, get feedback, and iterate quickly, whether you’re working with a mockup or a high-fidelity design. Drag wires between artboards to add micro-interactions that simulate how an experience will change based on a user’s actions. Define transitions and overlays, and create smooth animations as users navigate through your experience.
Create high-fidelity interactive prototypes for different kinds of user experiences.
Whether you’re creating mockups, wireframes, or UI designs for websites, mobile apps, voice UI interfaces, games, or any other type of experience, you can use XD as your prototyping tool. XD lets you set triggers for each interaction based on input from your users. It supports triggers like tap, drag, voice commands, keyboard shortcuts, and game controller input, or you can trigger a transition after a certain period of time for things like onboarding flows and loading screens.
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