Skeleton loading

Benefits of Using Skeleton Screens

Using skeleton screens enhances the user experience during page loading by maintaining user engagement, creating a perception of faster loading times, and reducing cognitive overload by providing a preview of the page's layout. These benefits contribute to a more user-friendly and efficient interface for websites and applications.

A skeleton screen is used as a placeholder while users wait for a page to load. This progress indicator is used for full page loads and reduces the perception of a long loading time by providing clues for how the page will ultimately look. A skeleton screen is a design pattern used to indicate that a page is loading while providing users with a wireframe-like visual that mimics the layout of the page. This specific type of progress indicator is used exclusively for full-page loads.

Slow website access

Why does speed matter?

Consumers increasingly rely on mobile to access digital content and services, and if you look at your site analytics, you'll probably see this story playing out in your own data. Consumers are also more demanding than they've ever been, and when they weigh the experience on your site, they aren't just comparing you with your competitors,they're rating you against the best-in-class services they use every day.

This post rounds up some of the research that has been done on the relationship between performance and business success.

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